Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Exfoliation: The Key To Healthy, Glowing Supple, Skin!

A Gentle Scrub, A Bee-a-utiful, Clear Complexion!

EXFOLIATION: The Key To Healthy, Glowing, Supple Skin!
Do you ever wonder how so many people keep glowing, healthy, skin year round? I did. Before I became an Aesthetcian I was clueless on how to keep my skin soft, supple, & moisturized, while trying to combat blackheads & breakouts at the same time. Over many years of schooling I learned so much about the skin & all the different ways to keep it healthy. I also learned that no two people have the same skin type. They are all different as are we. We were all made unique & unlike anyone else in the world, but our genetic makeup is similar when it comes to skin & body functions. But it wasn't until I started practicing my craft on clients, that I realized everyone, whether your skin is acenic, dry, oily, or inflamed, will benefit from exfoliation. Exfoliation is the number 1 key in keeping your skin healthy. There are 2 main types of exfoliation, its fun to try different ones & see which type works best for you. So lets explore the many options we have when it comes to exfoliation.
There are two types of Exfoliants:      Mechanical & Chemical

Bioelements Pumice Peel is one of my favorite products ever. I use it during every & each type of professional facial & peel I do . It has tiny pumice granules that gently yet effectively remove dead skin cells from the face, without tearing the pores. It can be used as a quick manual exfoliation or can be used as a manual microdermabrasion by applying a thin layer to the face, neck, & decollete; let dry for 10 min; then roll pumice peel off your face using your fingertips in a circular motion. Any residue left can be rinsed off with warm water or a hot towel. To Me: This is a miracle product!!
Mechanical Exfoliants:
Mechanical Exfoliants (also called a Facial Scrub) contain granular substances (such as pumice or cornmeal). Mechanical Exfoliants remove dead skin cells by using a granular product manipulated on the skin manually, causing a scraping effect to remove dead skin cells. This type of exfoliation is performed during facials by your licensed aesthetician or by you, the client at home.  Facial Scrubs are the most important aspect of your personal skin care regime.  But be careful, because I see a lot of clients who over due it with exfoliation.  MECHANICAL EXFOLIANTS SHOULD NOT BE USED MORE THAN 3 TIMES PER WEEK! I recommend doing a quick 2 to 3 minute scrub on your face, neck, & decollete 2 to 3 times a week, depending on your particular skin care concerns. Someone with more acenic skin should probably use a scrub 3 times a week & be a little more aggressive by adding in a facial brush to help aid the exfoliation process. Where as someone with more mature, dehydrated skin should exfoliate only once maybe twice a week depending on how their skin feels. Listen to your body & pay attention to your skin & what you think it needs. I can usually tell if I'm feeling a little congested (aka- that time of the month),so I will do a more aggressive scrub on my skin to try and get rid of the buildup & black heads. In the summer my skin gets more oily & I actually use my scrub less during this time. I'm sure that sounds crazy to you, but I do this because: If your skin is oily & broke out, you DO need to exfoliate, but if you start exfoliating everyday or more than 3 times a week, your actually doing more harm than good. WHEN WE SCRUB ALL THE OIL OFF OUR SKIN, OUR BODIES WILL PRODUCE MORE OIL TO COMPENSATE FOR THE LACK OF OIL WE HAVE TAKEN OFF! THIS CAN CAUSE OUR SKIN TO BECOME EVEN MORE OILY & WE WILL BREAK OUT EVEN MORE THAN WE ALREADY HAVE! It can be a double edged sword at times, which is why I highly recommend that each individual person listens to their bodies, & treats their skin with love & care. The more you begin to experiment with exfoliation & other skin care techniques, you will quickly learn what works for you & what doesn't.

MY PERSONAL TIP: I keep my facial scrub in the shower because it can be messy & hard to remove. I usually exfoliate after I cleanse my face in the shower, then I re-cleanse to remove any extra granules that may be left behind. That way I can get my neck & decollete also & removal of the scrub is easy.

Chemical Exfoliants:
A Chemical Exfoliant removes dead skin cells by using Enzymes, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or Lactic Acids. While they do make over the counter peels & certain type of acid exfoliants, most of the time Chemical Exfoliation is done in the treatment room by your licensed Aesthetician. Unless you are highly trained to use certain acids & chemicals on your skin, I would recommend saving this type of  exfoliation for your Aesthetician to perform on you. As Aestheticians, we are highly trained & educated on the proper ways to use acids & chemicals on the skin, achieving the results the client wants without any danger or harm to the skin. Some of the over the counter products you may use such as cleansers, scrubs, & moisturizers may have some type of AHA or Salicylic Acids in them, which used correctly can be a great way to aid your skin in being as healthy as possible. But most of the acids used in these otc products are not as strong as the ones used during facial treatments. Most otc acids are less than 10%, while the acids used during facial treatments by your Aesthetician are 30%. Dermatologists however, can use up to a 90% acid during medical grade peels. Unless you are dealing with an extreme skin condition, hyper-pigmentation, or some type of scaring or surgical procedure, medical grade peels are not necessary, & in my professional opinion, are very harsh to the skin. With a regular professional peel done by your licensed aesthetcian, you should have no recovery or down time & can see & feel the results instantly. That's a main reason why professional peels are so popular, because you can see the difference right after the treatment. And in a society based on instant gratification, this is a consumers dream! There is however some maintenance required after each professional peel you have. The only thing the client MUST DO after a peel is wear a sunscreen, at least an SPF of 20 or higher for 72 hours after the peel. The peels I do in my treatment room peel 5 layers off the epidermis (the outer most layer of your skin; the skin you actually see) in 5 minutes. There is a slight "tingling or burning" sensation during the peel, but immediately subsides after the peel is removed with cold towels. You can put hot towels or hot water on the face after the peel, but NEVER take an acid or enzyme peel off with warm or hot water. Also, you usually must apply some type of neutralizer to the skin post peel to calm the skin & neutralize your pH. Done correctly, Chemical Peels can be one of the most healthy & effective ways to treat issues such as:fine lines & wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, acne or blackheads, roseacea, scaring, enlarged pores, dry or flaky skin, sun damage & sun spots, age spots, & so much more. Pretty much any skin issue you have can be effectively treated & minimized with the correct chemical peel.

The Different Types of Professional Chemical Peels
There are 3 main types of chemicals used during professional peels. Alpha Hydroxy Acid; Beta Hydroxy Acid; & Enzymes.  Which type of chemical exfoliant used depends on the clients skin & individual needs. Let me break down each type of chemical exfoliant & what type of skin it would be most beneficial for.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid aka AHA's which includes Glycolic Acid & Lactic Acid.  AHA's are preferred for sun damaged & dry skin because they exfoliate on the surface of the skin & have the added benefit of also improving moisture content. AHA's work as intensive exfoliants to help loosen the bonds holding dead cells together on the surface of the skin, so new cells are able to grow. This improves the texture of the skin & diminishes the severity of fine lines & wrinkles. Another awesome fact about Alpha Hydroxy Acids is they promote the production of Collagen (which is responsible for skins strength & elasticity) & Elastin (which is a protein that keeps skin flexible & allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting). Collagen & Elastin are the major factors that help firm, thicken, & tighten the skin causing fine lines to appear smoothed. In addition, AHA's stimulate the skin so it moisturizes itself naturally, giving the skin a "plump" appearance. Where do I sign up? I mostly use AHA peels on more mature, dehydrated, dry, or damaged skin.

Beta Hydroxy Acid aka BHA which includes Salicylic Acid, the number one acid used in over the counter acne & blackhead products.  Salicylic Acid is also used as a spot treatment for blemishes due to its intense drying effect.  Within days of spot treating a blemish with Salicylic Acid the blemish will dry up & usually go away leaving no scaring. BHA's are preffered for oily, acne-prone skin & is very effective in treating blackheads & white bumps or pustules because BHA can get through the oil that's clogging your pores. BHA has an anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial action. This makes it an excellent choice if you have acne or sensitive, red skin. BHA is also preferred for those clients who struggle with Roseacea (a condition in which certain facial blood vessels enlarge, giving the cheeks & nose a flushed appearance. Roseacea can also produce small red, pus-filled pustules or bumps).  Not everyone with Roseacea can tolerate such an aggressive exfoliant, but more than likely you will see less redness & smoother more even skin tone with fewer breakouts. I mostly use BHA peels on my teen or young adult clients who struggle with acne, blackheads, & acne scaring. I also choose this peel for my Roseacea clients, & any client who has adult acne or blackheads, or any type of redness or skin disorders. I also keep a vile of pure Salicylic Acid in my treatment room to dab on blemishes once I have extracted them. Used regularly in a facial cleansing wash or a spot treatment BHA's will give you the results you want & help rid the face of unwanted blemishes. Make sure when your using any type of Salicylic Acid that you are using a good moisturizer twice a day, because Salicylic Acid dries the skin, so we must make sure to keep our skin extra hydrated while using any type of BHA.
And the last of the 3 main types of chemical exfoliants is:
Enzymes  & they are effective exfoliants & can be much gentler than other methods like scrubs, AHA's & BHA's, & microdermabrasion.  The upper layer of your skin is mostly made of dead skin cells containing Keratin Protein (which is the key structure material making up the outer layer of the human skin. Keratin can bundle cells & tissue together & form strong, tough, bundles of cells & tissues causing the skin to feel ruff & building up oil & congestion on your face). Enzymes work by specifically breaking down the Keratin Protein, resulting in smoother, less congested skin. Enzymes also protect against damage from the sun, environmental pollutants, & even acne. Enzyme Peels & Exfoliants do not cause any type of tingling or burning as you may have with AHA's & BHA's. It is a much gentler & effective approach for many clients with severe sensitive skin, such as myself. Depending on the type of enzyme product you are using, you usually mix the enzyme (which comes in a powder form) with water or a product suited to mix well with the enzyme powder. I use Bioelement's Softening Gel with my enzyme exfoliants & it feels great on the skin. To sum up Enzymes, think of this: You apply the powder mixture to your face rubbing it in with circular motions for a few minutes, then let it sit on top of the skin for about 5 minutes & imagine the enzyme breaking down & "eating" away all the dead, ruff, skin cells resulting in smoother more healthy skin.

So that's it! This is Exfoliation & I hope after reading this you will see how important Regular Exfoliation is in maintaining healthy, smooth, & radiant skin. With Mechanical Exfoliants, come talk to me or your regular Aesthetician & let the professionals analyze your skin & help you determine which type of exfoliant is best for you. The same with peels. Please don't buy into those info-mercials or over the counter products claiming to be "safe" at home peels. Leave Chemical Peels & Chemical Exfoliation to the professionals to insure you get the results you want without any damage being done to your skin. As with most Peels, you will need more than one to get the desired results, but you WILL be able to tell a difference in the texture & over all appearance of your skin with just one treatment. Over my 7 years in the skin care industry exfoliation has been drilled into my head as the number one factor in improving the over all condition of clients skin. No other facial product will work correctly if you are not exfoliating. And when your looking for a good scrub or enzyme exfoliant, choose one that is just that, an exfoliant. A lot of products want to add a scrub into their cleansers & in my professional opinion that is too much. You do not need to be scrubbing your face morning & night 7 days a week. You will over do it & your skin will suffer. I will be doing different blogs on each of the steps used in basic skin care, but when choosing a cleanser, think of it only as that. A cleanser. A product that will wash away all the dirt, make-up, & pollutants from your skin. Leave exfoliation as a "treatment," & like I said earlier use it 2 to 3 times a week for no more than 3 minutes at a time. Use circular motions with the tips of your fingers & don't scrub to hard. Our facial skin in gentle & we need to treat it with love & care.

Coconut & Avacado Sea Mineral Facial Scrub! Yummy!! (-:

One more thing: for those of you who use Pro-Active, please stop now. The media coverage & popularity of this product line has brainwashed consumers into thinking this is the miracle product to clear up acne. And while it may work for a short time, when you stop using it your face will go haywire & it will take a lot of post care to get your skin healthy again. The pH in Pro-Active is similar to the pH in a professional chemical peel, so essentially you are preforming a chemical peel on your face every morning & every night & by doing so you are wrecking havoc on your skin. I first learned the dangers of this product in Aesthetic school when my teacher told us horror stories about clients who had used the product & explained to us the seriousness involved by using the product. I myself, before I became an Aesthetician, used Pro-Active when I was pregnant with my son because my pregnancy had caused my hormones to go crazy & i had acne like I was a teenager again. I will say the Pro-Active did help to clear up my acne & breakouts, but it also caused my skin to become extremely dry, dehydrated, red, irritated, & blotchy. It began to burn every time I put that product on my face. That's when I decided to listen to my body & ditched the Pro-Active for a more natural choice & in time was able to restore the moisture & health to my skin. Dont buy into these ads. This product WILL NOT help your skin, but actually dehydrate & wreck havoc on it. If you are using it now, STOP, & get yourself a gentle cleanser, toner, scrub, & moisturizer & come see me or any other skin care professional & lets reverse the damaging effects of this disastrous product.

When your looking for exfoliants, primarily scrubs, its best to go either professional (such as from a reputable spa or salon) or natural & organic (from whole foods & health food stores). Actually a lot of the major drug stores such as Rite-Aid & CVS carry a wonderful selection of natural, organic skin care products. Think of your skin care products the same way you do your food. The less ingredients, the better & more beneficial the product. I am diligently working on composing a list of over the counter products I love & know work, as well as a list of professional products that are just extraordinary!

The Wonderful World of Ilike 100% Natural Organic BDHI Certified Products! My Favorite of all Products!!

Lets get excited & Get our skin Healthy & Our bodies Centered! Thank you for reading & I hope this information was helpful to you. I love skin care & I love what I do. I want everyone to understand skin care, not be afraid of it, & experiment & explore & allow your body to guide you to those perfect products & treatments that will make you feel & look the best you ever have. Beauty is internal & radiates out of us making us the beautiful, individual, special people we are. Lets take care of our beautiful bodies & get our skin healthy allowing our inner beauty to shine outwards towards the world!!
Tarah <3

Ilike Organic Skin Care Product Summary

Ilike Hungarian Organic Skin Care
(This is a summary of an educational class I took with Jessica, one of the ilike skin care reps, over Skype) We carry & use this wonderful product at Fusions Healing Center & Spa located in Sylva, NC)
Ilike (pronounced like Ilika) was started in rural Hungary dating back to the late 1950’s. Auntie Ilike (or Aunt Ilcsi as she is known by Hungarians) combined her herbal knowledge with biochemistry and aesthetic studies to create an effective & pure organic skin-care line. Growing up in a family with generations of herbalists, she always believed in natural solutions, and to this day the company’s philosophy is that “nature provides everything we need & live beautifully.”  For 53 years, Ilike Organic Skin Care has been providing spa professionals with solution oriented, problem solving skin-and body care products targeting all skin conditions. Here’s what I got from the Skype class:


Ilike has been featured in many Spa Magazines. Auntie Lika, as Jessica referred to her, was a medicinal, herbal, medicine woman. She knew herbs & items from nature that could cure ailments, heal wounds, and pretty much do wonders for your skin using only nature. These recipes were passed down to her by her grandmother & her great grandmother. Her great-grandmother thoroughly schooled Auntie Lika in the art of natural healing. She became the village herbalist, literally saving lives with her herbal remedies.


Auntie Lika grew up in the late 1950’s when she started working as an esthetician. Hungry was a communist country therefore her access to skin care products was limited & the products you could get were not effective. She learned from her great-grandmother the medicinal effects of herbs, fruits, & vegetables, especially when eating them, & the wonderful effects they had for skin & body care. She started formulating products in her kitchen. Soon she began making them for other estheticians. She began her company with her son several years later. Her approach to skin analysis included both the hydration level and the specific symptom analysis, while discussing lifestyle habits, diet, & environmental factors with the client.

Read on & you’ll see why Ilike is so natural, pure, & fantastic!



Auntie Lika has the original skin care recipes that Ilike uses today. The man who bought the name Eminence, use to work as a business partner with Auntie Lika. After several years of seeing the success of the natural organic products he wanted to start adding synthetic ingredients to the products to cut down on costs, & be able to mass market & make more money. Auntie Lika said no and the Eminence name was bought by this man & Auntie Lika started Ilike (as it is labeled in America) In Hungry & other countries it is labeled szepelet.  So today if you want the original organic skin care line created from the herbal recipes passed down from generations, don’t be fooled by Eminence & remember Ilike is the original organic line we all have loved for the past 53 years!


Ilike products certified by the strictest worldwide organizations!


Ilike organic skin care products have received the BDIH Certificate. They also add this qualification to their Manufacture’s Hungarian Organic Certification. These two certificates-along with the ISO 9001:2001 Quality Control Certification-guarantees that their customers receive the purest skin care products by the strictest worldwide standards!


To sum up the guidelines for the BDIH Certificate, here’s a few things to help you understand how strict they are & how natural & effective the Ilike products are. They are picked & processed by hand so neither the products nor the surrounding vegetation are damaged. The ingredients are grown in Hungarian rich organic soil that has never come in contact w/pesticides & chemicals. Hungarian climate is perfect for harvesting crops. The soil used to grow the vegetation for your skin care products is rich in trace-elements, minerals, & nutrients. Products like fresh algae (which is used Ilike Nettle Products) is collected from the hydrating mineral soil of the Hungarian rivers & banks. The trace minerals in the soil along with the perfect growing climate, produces algae that is handpicked, extracted, and blended w/some other natural anti-oxidant rich ingredients producing the Ilike Nettle Cleansing Wash & Nettle & Algae Treatment which is perfect for u smokers & drinkers. Also perfect for acne prone skin. There are no perfumes, parabans, or synthetic & chemical ingredients in any Ilike product. Their biggest statement is “We use pulps, not extracts!” Pulps retain the full concentration of the fruit, herb, or vegetable. They are handpicked & processed by hand so the pulps are not damaged.


So the guidelines to become a BDIH certified natural organic cosmetic brand are: 1. Raw materials obtained from plants. 2. Animal Protection 3. Raw materials obtained from minerals 4. No synthetic dyes, fragrances, silicones, paraffin or petroleum products 5. To make sure products are microbiologically safe (b/c there so natural), certain nature-identical preservatives are allowed 6. No radioactive radiation 7. Compliance with guidelines of Certified Natural Cosmetics. So with all the tender,loving,organic care that goes into making one single Ilike product, the cost is well worth the health, hydration, & anti-aging results found in each container. If clients really understood the benefits of these products like I did today, they would be buying them by the dozens. lol


Ilike is: lifting, firming, rejuvenating, anti-aging, anti-oxidant rich, made of natural, organic pulps, anti-inflammatory (most all the ilike products are anti-inflammatory & packed full of anti-oxidants & age reversing materials), smoothing, detoxifying, promotes collagen production (ex-Q-10 serum, Pumpkin & Quince Mask, Rich Carrot Mask & Moisturizer).  Each product which I’ve now learned better is targeted towards a specific skin type, & when used correctly & regularly can improve the overall look, feel, & health of your skin.  


Tarah <3
